Tuition is provided free of charge to all group members by the Group tutors, all of whom are volunteers and have passed the RoSPA Advanced test at the highest grade. All have had training in how to give tuition and are registered and certificated as tutors with RoSPA Advanced Drivers and Riders. Many have undertaken further training to become Advanced Tutors. They, like all RoSPA advanced drivers and riders, retake the advanced driving test every three years.
We train to be safe, legal and smooth with the ultimate aim to be taking the RoSPA Advanced Driver or Rider Test. You can find out how to apply for the test here.

Car Training Officer – Mike Bell
Each new member who requests driving tuition will undergo a pre-course assessment (PCA) drive carried out by the car training officer or an Advanced Tutor, before being assigned to one of the group tutors who will then issue the most recent editions of “Roadcraft” and “The Highway Code.” Mutually convenient training sessions are arranged, usually weekly lasting from one to two hours. During the sessions the new members drive their own cars, which must be roadworthy and legal. The tutor, travelling as a passenger, gives advice and guidance before, during and after the drives.
These sessions are FREE to associate members who also receive free coies of “Roadcraft” and “Highway Code”. Improver sessions for those having already passed the RoSPA Advanced Driving Test and are full group members can also be arranged with a tutor free of charge.

Motorcycle Training Officer – Dave Green
The motorcycle training officer or Advanced Tutor will carry out an initial assessment of your ride. For motorcycle tuition, associate and tutor each ride their own machines (which must be roadworthy and legal), with the tutor observing the associate’s skills so as to give advice and guidance.
Tutors will also give demonstration rides for the benefit of associates/improvers where appropriate. Whilst the training sessions are FREE, associates/improvers are expected to follow the long-established convention of covering the fuel cost incurred by a tutor during such sessions.
You will receive your personal copy of “Motorcycle Roadcraft,” and “The Highway Code” and your high-vis vest bearing the group logo. Improvers are catered for by arranged tuition and regular open (to members) training sessions.
Occasionally a FREE assessment drive or ride for those looking to join the group, can be organised by using the contact form here.
These will take part using your own car or motorcycle and last about 30 minutes.
You must produce your driving documents before the assessment takes place. You will be given a subjective report on your drive/ride and be able to join the group as an Associate member if you wish to continue with any training.
It is recommended that associates attending for driving tuition or assessments should be double vaccinated against COVID. In car tuition and the wearing of masks and car sanitation is entirely at the discretion of the tutor.