Health, Wellbeing & Feedback / Complaints

This page is designed as a reminder to all connected with West Yorkshire RoADAR that we have a responsibility for safer motoring- keeping the roads safer- and looking after us all.

Here you will find pointers from Roadcraft and general health wellbeing aspects that help to create a harmonious voluntary working relationship.

A route for feeding back to assist us in our objectives is also provided.

Fit to drive

Driving / riding to advanced standards can be taxing and often demands more concentration.  For that reason we remind you that we rely upon your judgement of your general health and alertness when undertaking (and delivering) driving / riding tuition.

Driving tired can be fatal, 1 in 5 accidents on major roads are caused by tiredness. ( Ref: AA )

So please prepare for any lesson in a physical sense and also be mindful of any mental stresses.

Here we are reminded of our responsibilities.

As part of the Advanced Training  IAMSAFE = ILLNESS, ATTITUDE, MEDICATION, SLEEP, ALCOHOL, FOOD, EMOTION are part of the pre-ride / pre-drive checks.

Our application form does not ask for declaration of any disabilities, but it might be courteous to mention any to your tutor- all to be kept confidential. It must be emphasised that even under these circumstances, we offer and are confident you can deliver, a safer driving or riding experience.

As time goes by age and illness can creep up on any of us.

No one should feel under pressure to drive or ride when they feel unsafe to do so.

For completeness the link to advised disabilities is here:

Vehicle checks

These checks will be second nature as advanced road users and we trust your vehicle will be compliant.  POWDER / POWDDERSS !

Tyre condition is a well known safety factor, but please do not overlook some of the more mundane- running out of washer fluid mid drive is not pleasant.

Your Privacy and GDPR

We collect and use data to optimally administer the group’s operation (eg subscriptions) and also deliver training. The initial data collection point is our application form, but clearly other information is gathered during driving / riding tuition.

Our Privacy Policy can be viewed on here.

Important note, you should always keep us up to date with any changes of email addresses etc.

You can check what information we hold about you and make corrections or ask for it to be deleted.

Care for each other

Our Code of conduct (as extracted from the group constitution- the master of which is drawn up by our parent RoADAR organisation states that we all will:

  • Behave professionally at all times and treat others with respect and consideration.
  • Avoid categorising anyone according to protected characteristics covered by the Equality Act 2010 or because of their profession.
  • Avoid inappropriate language, comments and tone that could be misconstrued or create offence.
  • Avoid physical contact except in an emergency or in the normal course of greeting (for example, shaking hands).
  • Understand and not breach Data Protection law.
  • Not knowingly break any other laws.
  • Be fair and honest.
  • Not personally criticise any other trainer, examiner or road safety organisation.
  • Not charge for providing tutoring (except Motorcycle Fuel Expenses).

Tutor allocation

Trainees are allocated a tutor based upon physical proximity, availability and any special training needs.

All tutors are volunteers and are aware of the code of conduct.

However if you feel your tutor is not right for you, or you feel you are not progressing as you expected,  you can ask your Training Officer to reassign you without any malice or bad feelings.

Look after yourself

Mental health is now more widely spoken about and recognised.  If you feel training is putting you under excess pressure, mention this to your Training Officer in confidence and ask to pause training until any issues pass.


Feedback can be positive (re-enforcing something you have found beneficial) or of a more corrective/ advising nature.

Please talk to your tutor, his or her training officer, our Chairman or use the following email address to allow us to understand better how we are working. Upon request, this can be dealt with in complete and utter confidence and the matter will be addressed in a professional manner. You can request a reply:


Sometimes things can go wrong and if you feel the need to complain please do so using the following email address your complaint will be addressed in total confidence and in a professional manner.  We would much rather hear about a complaint rather than you just simply leave the group and the matter is never addressed.